Revocable Living Trusts

Revocable Living Trust Legal Services

20+ Years Experience

Flexible Scheduling

Free Consultations

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Specialized Legal Protections for Your Heirs

If you have one or more heirs who are unable or unwilling to handle financial matters, a revocable living trust may be the proper legal tool. To see if a revocable living trust is right for estate planning, contact Hamilton Law Office, P.C.

Your initial consultation comes at no charge to you. We are available by appointment with flexible weekend and evening hours. We even make house calls, so be sure to call now!

Ideal Estate Management for Minors and Others

A revocable living trust sets aside assets to provide for heirs who can't or won't be able to handle financial matters due to age, incapacity, or other limitations.

  • A minor child
  • A dependent adult child
  • A dependent spouse
  • An incapacitated or special needs child or adult
  • A child from a previous marriage

By establishing a revocable trust, you set aside assets in your estate and create the management necessary to ensure that your wishes are followed. A revocable trust can reduce or minimize estate taxes, and it assures that assets are held in reserve for the designated person.

You are able to control and make changes in the revocable living trust throughout your life. When you are unable to manage the trust, your appointed executor will see to the disposition of assets for the benefit of the designated person.

When you contact Hamilton Law Office, we'll work with you to establish a trust, and we'll provide guidance for funding it. When you choose us, you'll get the benefits that come from working with a dedicated estate planning attorney with over 20 years of experience. Same-day consultations are available!

Are Your Heirs Protected?

Call now for a same-day consultation about creating a revocable living trust

(978) 233-1908

(978) 233-1908

Attorney Stuart Hamilton of Hamilton Office in Sudbury, MA is a class act with superior knowledge in his field. A highly recommended lawyer in the Sudbury community.

- John F. via Google

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Hamilton Law Office, P.C.

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